Category Archives: World Events

We Have a New Facebook Page

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This is just an FYI, folks. We’re now using a new Facebook page, called “Politically Absurd.” The old page is no longer active. Here’s the link to our new page:

Politically Absurd

So hop on over and give us a “like” if you want. That’s where the real-time discussions happen now.

Have a good one.



Trump’s Heroes

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I’ll keep this one simple. Here’s a list of some people Donald Trump has complimented: Read the rest of this entry

Love Does Not Equal Weakness

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There’s a significant misconception when it comes to the power of love. So often, the people who argue against love seem to think that love and pacifism are the same thing.

They are not. Read the rest of this entry

Why Hillary Will Keep Her Promises…

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I keep hearing the same concern, especially from Bernie supporters:

“I just don’t think Hillary Clinton will follow through on her promises.”

I hear this a lot. And for good reason… Read the rest of this entry

According to Donald J. Trump…

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This is a list of actual quotes from Donald Trump. This is not a list of my opinions. I, of course, have an opinion, and the way this list is organized may or may not give you a basic idea of what I think. But, truly, changing your mind is not the reason I’m listing these quotes. I know my opinion won’t affect your voting decision at all, so I’m not going to bother trying to convince you otherwise, either way.

I’ve compiled this list of quotes because, today, I want to hear your opinions. Specifically, I’m interested in hearing your answers to two specific questions.
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This Isn’t Poetic Justice.

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“Donald Trump is a monster of the republicans’ own making.”

I hear this often.

And if I’m being totally honest here, it’s something I’ve said myself, quite often.

But the more I think about it, the more I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s just not true. Read the rest of this entry

The internet is making us stupid

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I’ve probably said all this before, and to be honest, I’ll probably say it all again. But here it goes.

The internet is making us stupid.

“But the internet is a great learning tool! It makes the world a smaller place, bringing us closer to a global community!”

Well, you know how when you were in school there was always that one kid that would remind the teacher if she forgot to assign homework? Well, those people are on the internet, too.

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There’s No Money In A Cure

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Different individuals relate to different causes, especially in terms of diseases and the like. Sure, nobody wants everyone to get sick, but people who’ve had a relative die from breast cancer may donate more money to finding a cure for breast cancer than they would, say, a cure for heart disease. One article I read (dated 2011) states that between grants and donations, breast cancer alone receives more than $6 billion dollars annually. That’s a whole lot of money.

You may be expecting me to follow up that little tidbit with the question of, “Where does the money go?” Well, that’s not what I’m asking. What I am asking is, “Why haven’t we found a cure yet?”

That’s easy. You don’t make money from a cure. You make money from treatments.

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Why I think Dennis Rodman is a Piece of Crap

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Before I start this rant, I want to take a moment to clearly state my opinion on negotiations with our enemies…

I actually have the rather unpopular opinion that we absolutely should negotiate with our enemies. I think our leaders should meet with and talk to the leaders of North Korea, Iraq, and yes, even Al Qaeda. Read the rest of this entry

USA! We’re Number One!

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USA! We’re Number One!

Gallup and the Worldwide Independent Network conducted a survey at the end of 2013 in countries all around the world, asking the question: “Which country do you think is the greatest threat to peace in the world today?”

Guess who came in first?

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